Compare Energy Providers in Victoria

We compare, switch and review your energy plan annually

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Find the best energy plans in Victoria. Switching gas and electricity suppliers is easy with us.
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Compare now to save big on energy bills!

It’s simple, it only takes 2 minutes

We compare all major energy providers

On avg. our customers save over $350 on energy per year *For a single energy type (Electricity or Gas)

It's safe and secure to submit your details

We compare providers in NSW, VIC, SA, QLD, A.C.T

Why we are different

What if you had someone to manage your energy needs so you didn’t have to worry about it?

We will compare every gas and electricity provider find the best in Victoria
We compare all suppliers

We compare electricity and gas plans from all Victorian providers, not just a few!
How to compare energy quotes from companies in Melbourne
Yearly Reviews
Annually, we’ll check if your plan is still the best value, and help you change to a cheaper deal if one is available.

No phoning. Compare gas plans Victoria
No phone calls
Our energy comparison service is totally online based, so we won't badger you with sales calls.
Three easy steps
1 Melbourne Compare electricity prices

Take a photo or upload your bill to compare your current energy plan to other offers.

2 Melbourne energy deals compared

We make it easy to switch to a more competitive deal if it is available.

3 Find best electricity retailers in Victoria

We continue to monitor and compare your energy plan to ensure it is always competitive.

We’ll do a yearly re-comparison of your energy charges, to check whether you still have the best gas and electricity prices in Victoria.

It pays to compare

Compare energy plans in minutes and start saving today.

Advanced technology

New technology means you can upload your bill, have your energy plan compared against all others available and receive a recommendation. All under 2 minutes!

Plans are suited to your energy needs

We analyse your energy usage and so can find you the best plan most suited to your energy needs.

Compare & save

We compare plans from all major providers to find the most competitive energy plan for your needs.

Switching is easy

Follow a few easy steps online to find what you can save then a quick call to switch to a new deal that suits you and your budget.

Why compare with us?

Our advanced comparison technology is free, unbiased, safe and secure.

Compare all major providers

Unlike some websites that only compare a handful of energy providers, EZswitch compares the plans from all major providers to find you the most competitive plan.

Free to use

The service is absolutely free for you to use. We only receive a commission from the provider that is found to be the most competitive for you.

Safe and Secure

We take your data and it’s security very seriously. We will only use your information with your permission. You can read our Privacy Policy here.

We compare energy prices in:

Watch this video. It explains how to use the EZswitch energy comparison service to save money year after year.

Here's what customers have said

I’d recently used another big energy switching service, who had switched me to a plan quickly became very expensive. I got EZswitch to review my usage and they identified savings of about $750 per year. They also identified my eligibility for a government rebate of $313.50 per year, that I had not been receiving. As a pensioner, the savings I made by using EZswitch was a very significant amount of money.

Mr. Gerald Jenner, Householder, Ermington NSW

I’d been thinking, for a long time, that I needed to review my electricity plan, but I’ve been too busy to get around to it. One day I tried EZswitch, and in mere minutes they had identified savings of about $700 per year on my electricity bill, without even having to change from my existing energy provider.

Mr. Morgan McCarthy, Householder, Engadine NSW

) I had not switched my energy plan in quite some while and I was paying very high electricity prices. I was pleased that the EZswitch team reviewed my electricity plan and to find around $725 savings per year.

I understand that energy retailers regularly change their prices. So I like that EZswitch will continue to review my energy prices so that I am always on the best deal.

Mr John Ingold, Householder, Wollongong NSW

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Compare Energy, Gas & Electricity Prices Victoria

EZswitch is the best free energy comparison and management service in Australia. It caters to both small to medium businesses and householders in Victoria. If you are too busy to manage your energy needs, or find it all too confusing, then EZswitch is ideal for you.

EZswitch differs from other gas and electricity comparison and switching services because: –
  1. Comparison is based on actual usage
    The price comparison is based on your actual usage, and not just on averages or vague estimates.
  2. All energy providers compared
    Some electricity and gas price comparison services only compare deals from a few energy retailers. We compare plans from all the providers who supply energy to Melbourne and the rest of Victoria.
  3. We will review your energy plan regularly
    We won’t just switch you once and then forget about you. We’ll continue managing your energy needs, by reviewing your energy usage on a regular basis and switching you to a cheaper provider if required.
  4. No misleading discounts
    We don’t use misleading discounts to base our price comparison on. We do a full calculation of the dollar amount that each energy supplier’s plan will cost.
  1. Easily supply your usage data
    You can provide your electricity and gas bill to us using a wide variety of online and offline methods:-
    1. Take a photo of a paper electricity or gas bill using a mobile phone or tablet.
    2. Upload an energy eBill in PDF format using a computer, tablet or phone.
    3. Forward an energy eBill email received from an electricity or gas retailer direct to
    4. Fax a paper bill to 02 8088 7792 .
    5. Post a paper bill to : –
        PO Box 1492
        NSW 2500
  2. No annoying calls!
    We never ask for your number, and then hassle you the annoying sales calls.
  3. We do the work for you!
    No need to decipher your electricity bill because we can get all the information required, directly from your current bill.
  4. No bill? No worries
    Just answer a few questions, if you don’t have a bill, and we’re able to estimate your usage.
  5. Switching energy providers is easy
    We’ve made super simple for you to accept a recommended plan and to switch to a cheaper electricity supplier.
  6. A thorough comparison
    Our energy retailer comparison includes solar feed in tariffs plus controlled load 1 and 2 usage.

We’ll find you the best energy price in Victoria, then if a cheaper deal appears, we’ll email you, so you can switch energy providers again if you choose.

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